fatherless sons

Why Do Dad's Leave? Part 2

In part 2 of "Why Do Dad's Leave?" we discuss the generational nature of father absence. How our family history and the generation's who came before use greatly contribute and help explain why Dad's leave. 

My hope is that it helps all of us to see the bigger picture in our society that contributes to father absence and makes it less personal. If you had an absent father, there's an excellent chance that your father's father was also absent, emotionally or physically, and that his father was absent.

As we begin to understand the father absence and the generation nature of it, perhaps we can begin to interrupt the cycle of physical and emotional abandonment.

Learn more at absentfatherproject.com  | rodneymueller.com

Email me at me@rodneymueller.com

Theme song written and performed by Scott Ginsberg.




God Stuff

Today's episode discusses the role that spirituality and religion plays in our lives. I begin a conversation about my own spiritual journey by sharing the story of my confirmation in the lutheran church (aka Catholic without the fun stuff like drinking and gambling,) and how it served to create the opposite of "confirmation" of faith for me.

I talk about the rest of my spiritual journey and how it relates to our relationship with our parents, specifically our fathers. Finally, we explore the parallels between our relationship to our parents and our relationship to God/Spirit/Universe, or as my longtime friend and mentor, Jodi Larson, might call it: "The Blueberry Muffin in the Sky."

Learn more at absentfatherproject.com  | rodneymueller.com

Email me at me@rodneymueller.com

Theme song written and performed by Scott Ginsberg.


Analysis Paralysis

Today's episode discusses analysis paralysis. The agonizing process many of go through when making a choice about buying something.
A small purchase or big purchase, we analyze to the point of exhaustion or to the last minute.
How to recognize it, where it comes from and how start practicing something new.

Learn more at absentfatherproject.com  | rodneymueller.com

Email me at me@rodneymueller.com

Theme song written and performed by Scott Ginsberg.


Never Enough

Do you find yourself in a constant pursuit of being good enough? Are you always busy, often tired and feel like you can never catch up?

This episode is for you, and us. 

In this episode, we breakdown the never ending chase for feeling good enough, where it started, how it relates to our father relationship and how to stop running this race.
We will look at creating a life where our worthiness, value and lovability are derived from the inside-out, rather than the outside-in.

Learn more at absentfatherproject.com  | rodneymueller.com

Email me at me@rodneymueller.com

Theme song written and performed by Scott Ginsberg.


About Oprah and Abandonment

About Oprah and Abandonment

Today's episode is primarily about Abandonment. In 2013, I was a guest on Oprah's Life Class with Oprah and Iyanla Vanzant, when Iyanla asked a question that forever changed my perspective on abandonment.
We talk about the types of abandonment, what it looks like when we do it to the people we love and how to become more present, starting with our self first.

Learn more at absentfatherproject.com  | rodneymueller.com

Email me at me@rodneymueller.com

Theme song written and performed by Scott Ginsberg.





Today's episode discusses depression. It's a serious word, but what does it really mean and how does it relate to the absent father wound.
I also share my experience of going through a deep depression, how I dealt with it and what I learned from it.
Ultimately, depression can be access to our biggest leaps of growth and development.