Linal | Corporate Executive
In 2012 I had just been promoted to Senior Director and Chief Diversity Officer. It was a major shift from what I was doing before so although things were going really well professionally, I wanted to work with someone on my leadership skills. I was also thinking about my personal life. I didn’t have any problems meeting women (!), but I wasn’t meeting the kind of person I wanted to settle down with, and at 36 I was ready to be in a committed relationship. I was interested by the fact that you work holistically and look at both life and work issues.
I came to coaching thinking about leadership, but instead you got me to focus on personal integrity. About two to three months into our work together I had this realization that my actions, words and intentions, weren’t aligned, particularly in relationships with women. I have to say, it rocked me to my core
Together, we created a project around relationships with the goal of being engaged to a woman that I love by the end of the year. It was something I wanted, but at the time I thought it was crazy! I had been looking for the right woman for twenty years so I really didn’t see how declaring my goal would make a difference.
First of all, I met Pam – the woman of my dreams! And if it weren’t for coaching I know I would have trashed my relationship with her. I would have played it cool because I would have been too scared to show how I really felt. Instead I found the courage to be really clear about my commitment: by the end of the year I had proposed and within two years we were married.
We have a really happy marriage and that’s because coaching has helped me be a better husband too. I never expected this kind of result and I’m so happy because I’m not only married to a wonderful woman, but I have the tools to make sure our relationship lasts.