Our Super Powers: Intuition, Empathy and Safety
In this first installment of taking a look at the superpowers that you create along the way as a result of growing up as absent or distant father, we dive into the superpowers of intuition, empathy and safety.
You might call it intuition or a deeper intelligence where you're able to connect the dots between people's current experience and other experiences. It's an ability to see behind the scenes.
We also look at empathy. From our heartbreak we have a special ability to understand the depth of another person's experience, to really get and connect with other's experience.
Finally, we look at the safe space that we create. For some reason, people seem to open up to us.
Look for future episodes to dive into more of our super powers.
Learn more at absentfatherproject.com | rodneymueller.com
Email me at me@rodneymueller.com
Theme song written and performed by Scott Ginsberg.
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